Hey there, mamas!
As I've gotten older, I've realized that there are many things that I used to stress about that don't matter anymore. If you're like me, you've spent much time trying to please everyone else and living up to impossible standards. But as we get older, we realize that life is too short to waste on things that don't truly matter. So here are 10 things that I've learned to leave behind since turning 40, and why I think you should too:
- Body positivity: Forget the diet culture and embrace your body, whatever shape or size. Your body is amazing just the way it is, and it's time to start treating it with love and respect it deserves. This is why I'm NEVER married to a size on a tag or number "assigned" to a garment.
- Other people's opinions: It's easy to get caught up in what other people think of us, but the truth is, their opinions don't matter. What matters is how you feel about yourself and living in a way that makes you happy...And you know what mama always said about opinions, right? They’re like assholes. Everyone's got one!
- Keeping things simple: Saying NO has been my most significant area of growth found in my forties. Life is complicated enough without adding unnecessary stress. I've learned to pare down my commitments and focus on the things that truly matter to me, like spending time with my family and pursuing my passions.
- Curated is exhausting: We're bombarded with images of perfect lives on social media, but the truth is nobody's life is perfect. It's time to let go of the pressure to curate a picture-perfect life and embrace the beautiful mess of real life. Falling trap to the Pinterest perfect life will make us all miserable and unfulfilled, and it's genuinely an exceptionally curated snippet of what people want to show you. It's NOT real life.
- Your body will scream at you until you listen: Your body is a temple; it will let you know when it's unhappy. I've learned to pay attention to my body's signals and care for myself, whether that means getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, or taking a mental health day. I've had a rude awakening the past two years of not tuning in and listening to my body, and it will only get louder until you do.
- Overthinking: I used to spend so much time worrying about the future and regretting the past, but the truth is, all we have is this moment. I've learned to be present in the here and now and trust that everything will work out how it's meant. Overthinking is exhausting and only adds to our already stressful days as busy mamas.
- Negative self-talk: We all have that little voice that tells us we're not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. But the truth is, we are enough just as we are. I've learned to silence and replace that negative voice with self-compassion and love. Flip this switch off when that voice creeps in, and turn it off asap.
- Trying to please everyone: It's impossible to make everyone happy, so why bother? I've learned to focus on making myself comfortable and trusting that the people who genuinely love me will support me no matter what. You can't make other people happy, want to change, do better, or make the most out of life, and it only makes you miserable trying to please everyone but yourself.
- Fear of failure: We all fail sometimes, but that doesn't mean we're failures. I've learned to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to be proud of myself for taking risks and putting myself out there. I'm proud of a few of my failures because it's better than the regret of "what if" or "I wish I had." At least, I can say I tried.
Regrets: We all fail sometimes, but that doesn't mean we're failures. I've learned to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to be proud of myself for taking risks and putting myself out there. At least, I can say I tried. I'm proud of a few of my failures because it's better than the regret of "what if" or "I wish I had"
“An Aries woman is not a person that “talks a good game”, she actually “walks the walk.“
So there you have it, mamas! Let's embrace our authenticity, let go of what no longer serves us, and live our best lives! 10 things I've learned to leave behind since turning 40, and why you should too.
What are some things you've learned to leave behind since turning 40? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
With love,