Like most parents, this school year isn't going to start the way I'd hoped. Due to the restrictions here in California, all schools are starting the year off doing distance learning.
We've personally always done an alternative hybrid school program since our very first kiddo went to kindergarten, so homeschooling isn't a concept we're unfamiliar with doing. This program offers a 4/1 with a homeschool day each week, so the idea of "homeschool" has been something I'm open to doing. Our children have always thrived in this environment, and it works best for our family since my husband is off on Fridays. It gives us a "family school" day and three-day weekend each week while allowing us to be part of their schooling and provides us both with the freedom to run our businesses.
When COVID first hit just like everyone else, we found ourselves thrown into distance learning and full-time homeschooling while trying to navigate the "New Norm" of having kids home full-time while trying to work. It took us a few weeks to work out the kinks and get with a program that worked, and of course, by the time summer came, we had turned into a finely oiled schooling machine.
During summer, I started looking into all our options.
Should we return to campus in the Fall?
Should we homeschool full-time? Do I close my business?
I thought long and hard about all the options, and just like the rest of you, nothing is "perfect," there are pros and cons to all. Thankfully I didn't have to make the call because California is all starting the year off with distance learning, but I did need to have a plan so I can keep working.
I ultimately concluded that we need some stability and routine as my children thrive in the daily routine best. I'm not ready to give up my dream and business, but I am prepared to be with them during this unforeseen time and help keep them on track during the school year.
I plan to make the best of this year, and whatever it throws our way, so what I came up with was to turn my underutilized office area at my warehouse into a classroom. I believe this will provide them with a little bit of normalcy and the routine of going "to school" while allowing me to continue to run my business with my babes in tow.
This space is open to my office manager and her three kids, along with my nieces. It's important that we work together to help keep parents working, and this space will allow us to all keep working while the kids attend virtual learning sessions.
My goal was to make it as close to their school environment as possible and not break the bank.
I repurposed as much as I could from our home and our warehouse, making it as cost-effective as possible and making sure the items could serve dual purposes for both our family and my business.
Art by Thread Mama, I wanted a positive environment, and these were the perfect addition.
Well stocked school supplies all purchased at Target!
I repurposed this rack from our youngest son's room I found a few years ago at Hobby Lobby.
These IKEA work tables we've had since our daughter started Kinder, they've been our school tables, sewing tables, and most recently, our work tables at the warehouse. They have been put through a lot and keep on ticking.
The one thing I didn't have enough of was chairs.
I grabbed two packs of these stackable chairs off Amazon.
We officially start the full distance learning schedule on August 31st, so I'll let you all know how it goes at "office school," but for now, I'm going into #distancelearning with an open mind and heart. This year I hope to teach my kids to be truly resilient and to #makeitwork with a healthy #mindset and positive outlook. 🤞🏻
We are sending love and strength to all during this school year. It's going to be a year filled with pivoting and patience, but moms and dads are true superhuman heroes, and I've got to believe we've got this mamas and papas!
Is it going to be easy? Nope, but we can set the tone for the year for our littles, so let's try to remember a little grace and positivity as we start the year off!