Put It Into Words

We are so honored to have attended the recent Hallmark event #PutItIntoWords, hosted by Gabrielle Union.


This event was held to encourage writing and sending cards...just because! Not because of an anniversary, or a birthday, or in a time of loss, but to send a card just to say "Hi Friend, I'm thinking of you today!"

It is sadly a lost art and we love the way that Hallmark helped promote thoughtfulness all year long! 



These were just some of our favorite cards. They had a card-writing station set up with pens so you have no excuse to not send a card to a loved one. We have taught our kids to be more analog in a digital world.

Not only did they mail the card for you, they had a calligrapher there to address the envelopes! It was such a creative and thoughtful touch.


Such an inspirational event with some amazing souls. Use this as a reminder to say kind words to those closest to you. Hand write and send a card to someone you have been thinking about. Doesn't have to be lengthy. Just #PutItIntoWords.


Julie + Sarah


Written by Julie Khaled

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