Adoree was only in my belly for 12 weeks and 5 days before I lost him. Just 7 days before that horrible day, I had what I didn't know would be my last ultrasound with him. Idk if many people know this, but although you can't tell what you're having that early on the ultrasound, the baby is aready developing it's boy/girl parts. I sent a picture to my friend Taylor and told her I was getting boy vibes. At that point, I'd already been through so much in the pregnancy that I just wanted my baby to be healthy. Didn't matter what it was. When I gave birth, the doctor asked if I wanted to know what it was. A boy. I looked at his dad and even more tears poured. They asked if we had a name and Mj told them. Adoree Christian was what we finally agreed upon about 2 weeks prior if we were to have a boy. We were actually going to announce we were pregnant when we found out the gender. I am still just as sad as the day I lost him. I still cry and blame myself. I have had so many blessings since that day, but nothing is as sweet because I'm missing the most important thing. My baby boy. I will fully share my story one day, I just need to gather my thoughts. I will never stop talking about my son or my miscarriage either. People need to know more about this topic and know that a 3 month fetus is just as much a mother's child as a 3 year old toddler. I want people to know my baby was completely perfect. No genetic abnormalities or defects. 10 fingers, 10 toes with his legs crossed. Heart never stopped til the moment he was no longer attached. I did get to see him. He was perfect. Just a tiny little angel that could fit in my palm. Thank you, @artifacts205 for this amazing tattoo. Now I get to see a piece of my angel forever. #IHadAMiscarriage #MiscarriageAwareness
-Courtney A.
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