4 Easy Boredom Busters!

Julie Khaled
Summertime is great and all…but let’s face the facts. The kids are home ALLLLLL day. Not only does it wear me out, but they run out of activities! In our house, we have come up with a few activities that are age-appropriate and keep the mind sharp while they are on break from school. Toddlers […]

Why are Dads important?

Julie Khaled
As I grow older, I realize that many holidays have very somber connotations for people. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day…it makes me so sad hearing that someone just wishes away the holidays. Now, as a newly-married woman (June 3, 2017) and not yet a parent, I find it hard to relate to some things. However, […]


Our Raise Good Humans launched on January 21st, 2016 with the hope to spread a common goal amongst my friends and followers to simply try our best to “raise good humans” together. The response was incredible and we were blown away from the start.  We knew we must be on to something good from the immediate […]