Selfish Mother

Julie Khaled

   Post written and submitted by Sara of Girl Refurbished  When my daughter was born I became completely selfless, the far end of a selfish mother. I tended to everything she needed and it was...

Mom Culture Loves: Prep + Rally

Sarah Komers

If it's one thing, moms know how to do it's RALLY! Am I right ladies? No matter what, us mamas get up, show up, and rally each day giving our families our all. If you're...

Dealing With Postpartum Anxiety and Depression

Julie Khaled

Written by: Kaleigh M. Postpartum depression, and especially anxiety, can catch a lot of women off guard. Here’s my experience with dealing with both postpartum anxiety and depression. (Part 1 of 2)   I’ve dealt...

Good Mother

Gina Austin

Written by: Gina Austin My mom was a good mother. She never got to be a grandmother but I know she would’ve been a great one.  She went into the nursing home when my firstborn...

What My Postpartum Anxiety Actually Felt Like

Julie Khaled

 Written by: Emily McAllister of @chasingmcallisters My first pregnancy was a surprise. I was taking birth control, however my inability to take said pill every single day at exactly the same time had finally caught...

Raising a feminist son

Julie Khaled

Raising a feminist son. Written by: Ariel M. Yeah, I said it. My son will be raised to be a feminist.  Before you keep scrolling, let’s dig into the actual definition of feminism... Feminism: political,...