3 Ways to Stretch Out Your Budget

Ok so I don’t know about you, but there is something relaxing about knowing your finances are not stretched super thin. I know it’s only July, but there are some things to do (even now) to prep for having extra cash for the holidays! These are just a few tips that I have found to be relatively simple adjustments in my daily life and can reap surprising rewards within a couple of months.


1.Christmas in July/August

This is something that I have done for years now. When I go to the mall and I see something in a store window and think “My mom would love this necklace!”, I buy it and set it aside for her Christmas gift. I have a box in our house that is known to be Christmas presents. When I see something as a gift for someone else, I buy it. Instead of waiting until December, when everyone else is out shopping, I save myself the stress of finding parking, waiting in line, realizing that the shirt I want to get for my husband isn’t in his size…. I’m feeling stressed just thinking about that! Save yourself (and your kids) the stress of waiting until the last minute. Start shopping now. This also is great on your wallet. If you look at your bank statements, there won’t be a surge of hundreds of dollars in one month! Save your credit score. 

2.Set an amount to put into savings

It doesn’t have to be much, even putting away $20 per week makes a difference. If you can put away at least $20 a week, you will save $80 a month! That adds up quickly.


3.Make coffee at home

I know it seems silly…but think about it. Going to your local Starbucks drive thru can be upwards of $3 each visit. If you go just Monday-Friday, every week, you are spending an average of $60 per month on coffee alone! And that’s if you only go ONCE a day! That’s not to say you can’t ever go treat yourself to coffee every once in a while.


Do you have any money saving tips? Share with us in the comments below!




Written by Julie Khaled

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