
Hey Mamas,

It's Sarah, your fellow mom-in-arms and head mama here at Mom Culture. You know our motto, #MoveWithMotherhood, right? Well, I've found a new way to put that mantra into action, and I can't wait to share it with you!

Since leaving our warehouse last year and moving our products to fulfillment, I've noticed something – I'm sitting way more. Between managing our beloved Mom Culture and the added carpool duties (yes, more stationary life!), my once active days of packing orders and cleaning the warehouse have taken a backseat.

Enter the walking pad! This handy little device has become my daily companion and a real-life way to #MoveWithMotherhood. Here's how I'm doing it, and how you can too!

Why I Love My Walking Pad

  1. No More "Mom Fog": The gentle exercise clears my head and helps me concentrate – a lifesaver during those hectic days.
  2. Fitting in Self-Care: Let's be honest; we moms often put ourselves last. A walking pad gives me a chance to do something just for me while logging some major steps.
  3. Living Our Motto: It's a tangible way to incorporate #MoveWithMotherhood into my daily life. Practice what I'm preaching and making sure I move for my mental health and well-being.

My Personal Walking Pad Routine

The Essentials

  • The Right Walking Pad: I went for one that's quiet (no waking the baby!) and fits under my desk.
  • Comfort is Key: My go-to leggings and comfy shoes are perfect.
  • The Desk Setup: Everything at arm's length and just the right height with an adjustable height desk.

Sarah’s Daily Step-by-Step

  1. Morning Connection (10 minutes): A gentle walk while I touch base with our team and check on the latest Mom Culture happenings.
  2. Mid-Morning Inspiration (20 minutes): A brisker pace as I brainstorm new ideas and connect with our beautiful mom culture community.
  3. Lunchtime Reset (15 minutes): Quick walk to shake off the morning and gear up for the afternoon.
  4. Afternoon Juggle (20 minutes): A more leisurely pace while wrapping up the workday and coordinating with the family.
  5. Evening Wind-Down (5 minutes): Slow and reflective, thinking about our amazing Mom Culture community and checking the online parent portals for homework updates.

A Few Tips from This Mama

  • Ease Into It: Like introducing new veggies to the kids – take it slow no race or comparisons here.
  • Find Your Rhythm: You want to feel great, not like you're running a marathon between emails. 
  • Stay Hydrated: Water, coffee, repeat. Hydrate like a mother!
  • Balance is Everything: Some tasks call for sitting. Like when I'm designing our latest Mom Culture goodies but I'm found blogging and walking or replying to your comments to be best when walking.

Join Me in This Journey

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.


Moms, I truly believe the walking pad has revolutionized my work-from-home life. It's brought movement, energy, and our #MoveWithMotherhood motto to my life. And hey, it's something for us, something to make us feel great while we keep our world spinning.

Give it a try, and let's walk (and work!) this journey together. Happy walking, and as always, stay fabulous, mamas! 💃👩‍💻👩‍👧‍👦

With love, Sarah, Head Mama at Mom Culture


My exact walking pad and desk

Written by Sarah Komers

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