Back to school....what exactly does that mean?
That means: stricter bedtimes, meal prepping, doing your makeup in the carpool line, last-minute Target runs to pick up more supplies for a project. The list of daily changes goes on and on.
But going back to school is such an exciting experience! Starting in a new grade, meeting friends, having different teachers. Whatever stage of life you're in, something that is most commonly forgotten when it comes to back to school shopping, is showing appreciation to the teachers. They spend countless hours prepping for the best way to roll out a lesson plan seamlessly and grade papers into the wee hours of the night. The least we can do is say "Thank you"
Here are some of our favorite gift possibilities for the teachers in our community:
Teaching Tiny Humans is Exhausting Mug
Teaching Tiny Humans is Exhausting Tote Bag
Teaching Tiny Humans is Exhausting
What are your favorite things about going back to school? What do you gift your teachers?
We found this awesome article about ways to help prep your home for back to school. Check it out on our Pinterest here.