DIY Cleaning Wipes

Justine from The Typical Mom blog has a great post about homemade disinfectant wipes (instead of using Clorox or Lysol wipes) to clean household surfaces. Not only are these safer for the family and pets, but they smell terrific! 


Here is how you make homemade DIY cleaning wipes for your house that smell amazing, are reusable, and clean up all the spills that occur in your home.


If you’re like me you use a lot of wipes! I haven’t had children in diapers for over 8 years but every room has wipes for sure. I have them in my car, some in my purse, and literally in every room of the house I feel. I was kinda’ done buying them in bulk to use around the house to clean up spills so I finally got around to making these DIY cleaning wipes that work great and save me a ton of money too!


Of course I still have small packages in my car and purse but around the house I didn’t really need prepackaged wipes so making them myself was the way to go there.

In addition to saving money (which I love) I was able to add amazing scents using essential oils which I love.

I was late to the game when it came to using these little bottles, and even talk about it in my essential oils 101 post….but I will say they work amazingly well with these do it yourself cleaning cloths.

It really is easy to make them, using only a few items including these Reusable cloth wipes.






Of course it is totally up to you which essential oils you use, this one is probably my all time favorite!

This is what you’ll need to make these DIY cleaning wipes


  1. Add 1/2 your water to the glass container
  2. Add your castile soap
  3. Add 10 drops of each oil and mix well
  4. Cut your reusable wipes in half
  5. Roll each one up and put into your container standing up as seen in pics above
  6. Add the rest of your water
  7. Close the lid tightly and shake well
  8. Use, rinse, put back into container and reuse over and over again!






    If you go ahead to make these diy cleaning wipes let us know what scent you added and if you did anything differently!



    Read more awesome posts by Justine here.





    Written by Julie Khaled


    Awesome useful tips that most of us struggle to clean home such as floors, rooms. I prefer disinfectant cleaning wipes to wipe out the dirt or stain if it’s small or use fiber cloths. Here I got more tips to follow to keep clean my floors. Thanks for sharing an informative post.

    Jarred Lawrence on May 16, 2019

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