Mom Culture Loves: Elvie Breast Pump

Breastfeeding was probably one of the hardest things in the beginning stages of my motherhood journey. It was supposed to be so natural and least that's what I was told. But for my first baby and me, it was anything but easy, and nothing came naturally to either of us.  I experienced latch issues had to use an SNS system and nipple shield. I experienced just about every obstacle you could be faced with in breastfeeding and just within the first few weeks of motherhood.  

As if it wasn't already all so very overwhelming and hard, we added a pump to the mix of my chaos and foreign objects I had to learn! Looking back, my poor husband felt so bad about it all that when it came to my pump, he spared no expense and bought me the then most high tech bells and whistles pump on the market to help ease any pain he could for me, but truth be told I hated it too.  

Pumping never came naturally to me (much like breastfeeding), it was uncomfortable, noisy, messy (...and those damn bags!) and so much equipment to clean and take care of made the whole process was just so overwhelming especially because I was already struggling with basic nursing. Even with the best equipment, I felt like a real-life cow, the shields the loud noise I always felt more like a farm animal than a mama and that pricey pump didn't see much action ladies.  

Fast forward to 12 years later, and I can say that Femtech has finally made some major strides in pump technology and all the issues that plagued me in my early motherhood have FINALLY been addressed by a sweet company, Elvie Pump.   

I had the pleasure to attend a "Breast Brunch" last week and learn all about this fantastic company and the worlds first silent breast read that right SILENT pump!  Elvie pump took all those uncomfortable emotions; many of us had about pumping and got rid of them. No more dairy farm shields, no loud noises, no tubes and plugs, and no more messy bags. This pump is hands-free, wireless, and completely silent and can be controlled from your smartphone so you can freely pump when and where you want without being confined and plugged in.

This is truly a game changer for mothers, especially if you have multiples because pumping and trying to keep a toddler alive is not easy. Trust me, I've done it. I can't say enough about all the new developments this company has made to make pumping easier for new mothers. I think I honestly shed a happy tear or two for my fellow mamakind because someone finally heard us and made a difference!

I'm happy to report that my journey started rough, but I ended strong and went on to not only nurse my first baby until 18 months but also both of her brothers successfully to 21 months and 2 and a half (can I get a high five? cause I stuck with it even when shit was hard!). I wish the technology had been available during my reign of motherhood but I'm so happy to see the direction it's taking for new mamas now and one day for my daughter when she becomes a mother.

If you struggle with nursing, please seek help from your local lactation consultant or visit La Leche League for assistance.  

Head to Elvie Pump to learn more about this amazing hassle-free, wearable and extremely responsive little pump that really takes in consideration motherhood and the struggles of pumping. It's forever on the Mom Culture Loves List!

Written by Sarah Komers

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