Raising good humans has always been my #1 mom goal.
Simply put - I want my kids to be GOOD kids.
Kids people can count on.
Kids people can rely on.
Kids that are truly just GOOD kids.
I'll never forget the feeling I felt when my oldest son William was placed on my chest seconds after he was born on September 25th, 2004. In a flash...in a true instant...my world was complete. All of a sudden I wanted to do everything I could to make the world a better place for him. I wanted to be a better person for him. I wanted to do whatever I could to give him the best life possible. That feeling of motherhood...of feeling needed and wanted by this beautiful little boy was incredibly overwhelming in a very (very, very!) good way.
The best part about it? I went on to feel that exact same feeling again and again and again and again with the birth of my next 4 children.
But beyond me - beyond the feeling I felt with each and every birth - I've just wanted to RAISE GOOD HUMANS. And as I've gotten older and raised my children for the last 14 years, the moms and dads that I'm the closest to and really have bonded with are raising good humans. That's the best thing we can do as parents and caregivers and grandparents and aunties and uncles.
What do I mean by raising good humans?
I want my kids to stand up for what they believe in.
I want my kids to be described as kind and fair and good.
I want my kids to be sympathetic and wise.
I want my kids to be good listeners.
I want my kids to be compassionate.
I want my kids to be the ones to help someone when they're down.
I want my kids to be thoughtful and understanding.
I want my kids to love the world around them.
I want my kids to know the difference between right and wrong.
I want my kids to live with the belief that the glass 1/2 full.
I want my kids to have big hearts and wear that love on their sleeves.
I just want my kids to be GOOD HUMANS. I'm doing everything in my power to make sure they're raised this way. I pray and I hope and I wish for them to be GOOD HUMANS. I'm a big believer in leading and living by example, and I try to live my life as a GOOD HUMAN for them. In all honesty - it's not hard to be a good human. It's something that everyone should strive to be for our future... for the ones watching, for the ones listening, for the ones to come.
There's so many ways to RAISE GOOD HUMANS...here's to hoping we all do.
This article was originally posted on The Today Show by one of our loyal customers, Audrey McClelland. Click here to see the original post.