New Year, New Mood!

Though 2018 was an eventful year full of changes and fine-tuning in our workplace, we look forward to 2019 as a year focused on self-care. 

We have come up with a list of our favorite ways to take better care of yourself, emotionally and physically. 

1. "Own your awesome" app from Tricia @yourjoyologist 

This app offers daily affirmations to encourage you to be your best self and "own your awesome. It's only $3.99 from the App Store. 


2. Yoga

Whether you have done yoga in the past or never tried it before, we strongly urge you to find a yoga studio near you and make it a routine! Yoga has been proven to improve mood, regulate hormones, increase flexibility, and regulate sleep patterns. Call one of your best friends and sign up for yoga classes together. Not only will this be an excuse for each of you to see each other more, but it will also keep you both accountable to make this part of your health a priority.

3. Use natural deodorant!

We don't live in the Stone Age anymore, so why are you still using the big name brand deodorant with all kinds of harsh chemicals?? We found one we particularly LOVE. And she is a local small shop, as well. #supportsmallbusiness

Her Instagram is @keepitreal_naturalliving  and you can SHOP HERE.


 4. Sit down and start reading

We could list off a million of our favorite books, but everyone's reading interests are different. If you've followed our social media posts at all this year, you know we absolutely adore Ms. Rachel Hollis and her book "Girl, Wash Your Face". Another great book is "Work Party". Whatever book you choose, enjoy it! 

Here's a hint for you, busy mama: we also count podcasts as "reading". ;) 

5. De-clutter in the home and in your relationships

 Yes, we said's so important to surround yourself with people who lift you up, not tear you down. This year, try to remove those toxic relationships from your inner circle and put yourself in relationships where you know you are supported.

A great resource for de-cluttering your home is the book, "The Swedish Art of Death Cleaning".

I love to clean out my closet every couple of months, but we tend to forget the "little things", like paperwork around the house and junk in our purse. I can't tell you how many times I've gone through my purse and I'm surprised how many expired coupons and old receipts I've found in there! Just the other day, I found a receipt in my wallet from 3 weeks ago....why was it in there?!? Bottom line, even cleaning out the smallest bit will make you feel more organized and ready to conquer the world! 

 6. Mindfulness

There's an app on the App Store called Aura and it helps improve focus, reduces stress & anxiety, and can help you sleep better. The app guides you through meditations and all it takes is 3 minutes a day! 


What are your goals for 2019? Let us know in the comments.





Written by Julie Khaled

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