Hey, friends, do me a favor...teach your kiddos not to touch other kiddos' hair without asking; no, it isn't "just hair." Specifically, kids whose hair is different than there's.
Harlyn is exercising her individual expression a lot this year and wearing her hair out, and big is absolutely her jam, and I happily encourage it. Still, it irks my entire being when people reach out and touch without asking; it bothers her too...a lot (she may not say anything, but she doesn't like it.)
When I dropped her off at school today, as she was walking in, I watched another student reach out and pat her on the head like they were at a petting zoo...it's so rude and so invasive, and she doesn't like it, so please teach your children not to do that and encourage them to share what you've taught them to their friends.
Also, teach them that she IS allowed to say "No" even if they ask. Keeping our hands to ourselves goes far beyond hitting someone during carpet time.
There is a great book called "Don't Touch my Hair" By Sharee Miller. Order it on Amazon, Read it to your kids, and have the conversation. Thanks!
Post originally appeared in our Mom Culture Community VIP Facebook Group
By Mom Culture Contributor:
Kokoa Jenaè Lawson Actress • Model • Mom & Advocate
1000% YES!!
My 8 year old daughter is adopted and we experience this a lot! She loves wearing her hair natural.
I wanted to point out that this is an issue that is not limited to children. ADULTS touch my daughter’s hair, OFTEN! At eight years old she know to look adults directly in the face and calmly say, “Please don’t touch my hair. That makes me uncomfortable.”
This is enough of an issue that they make shirts, and buttons, and books about it! As a white mother, who adopted black children, it was shocking to me that people have zero hesitation in just reaching out and rubbing and squeezing any part of a child that they don’t know. I had never experienced this with my biological children. We ALL teach our children body safety and tell our children that nobody has the right to touch their bodies. We need to remember that this applies to hair as well!
Thank you Mom Culture for touching on this subject and helping to educate.