Pick Your Battles
Our kids now consider today a summertime tradition. It’s one battle we know better than to challenge them on. And with the launch of our new “Pick Your Battles” Varsity Vintage Jersey Tee, we thought what better way than to display its accuracy than by showcasing Slurpee day in action. Enjoy
XO, Sarah
Sour Patch Kids flavor always wins with our tiny humans.
“Pick Your Battles” Varsity Vintage Jersey Tee: $29.00
National Free Slurpee Day is Monday, July 11th at all 7-11 locations. Size small only (perfect for the tiny humans). Need more than one to get you through the week? Slurpee Week runs 7/12 through 7/18 where you can buy 7 and get 11 free! Restrictions apply. Check 7/11’s website or any physical location for more info.
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