My name is Kim Harris and my baby’s name is Jackson. I’m a mom of a three-year-old and a baby with special needs, and this is my story. I found your website after a phenomenally profound chain of events. Last year I had a miscarriage at twelve weeks during my husband’s grandfather’s funeral. We went to the emergency room where they told us our baby had no heart beat and I would pass our baby at home later that day. We had a small burial for our baby in a very special place. I am forty and thought to myself that because of my age it just wasn’t meant to be. A few months later I found out I was pregnant. Fearful I counted the weeks till finally I had passed twenty weeks. My ultrasound was great! At 37 weeks I started to have contractions so I went to my doctor where they told me I was dilated 2 cm and not to worry and go home. Well when I went home labor pains began and got stronger. Went back to doc next day and I was 3 cm sent home and told to walk a lot. Well later that evening I woke with contractions 3 minutes apart. Rushed to hospital where I was told I was 6 cm and I would get my epidural shortly (it’s all that I wanted lol) so five minutes go by and I tell the nurse I feel like he’s coming out she said no and proceeded to check me and stopped and said your 10 cm the baby is here and you cannot have a epidural. In a matter of just a couple minutes and a tremendous amount of pain they placed my baby boy on my chest and then almost immediately rushed him away. The doctor came back in with a look on his face which worried me. He then told my husband and I that our baby had Down syndrome. And he also had to be transported immediately two hours away to Dallas because they feared he need heart surgery. Within minutes, with my three-year-old and my husband watching me, I got up, got dressed and followed my baby behind his ambulance to the children’s hospital in Dallas. No recouping or hospital stay and certainly no sleep I sat with my baby in NICU for a week and a half, away from my family praying for my baby who was on a feeding tube and every monitor you can think of. Fast forward to now, our baby got off the feeding tube, turned out to have only two tiny holes in his heart which didn’t need surgery he has doubled in weight and is healthy. He is truly a miracle rainbow baby and the biggest blessing we have ever received.
-Kim H.
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