I love, love Halloween, but with all the events I attend with my three kids--from school carnivals to trunk-or-treats--I can't always be in full costume every time so I'm all about turning my daily mom faves into easy DIY costumes in a pinch!
The "hippie or flower child" is an easy peasy costume to achieve grab a favorite pair of old boot cuts or flairs pair it with one of our RAISE GOOD HUMANS graphics along with some Burks and top with a flower crown.
Shop this style:
Universal Threads jeans / Raise Good Humans tee / Scunci flower headband / Universal Threads Sandals
Nothing wrong with being "basic" and our Basic Mom tee is a fall fan favorite so grab those leggings, uggs and load up the PSL toss on a flannel and add some fake leaves to your hair for a totally basic on point costume.
Shop this style:
Assets by Spanx / Basic Mom tee / Raising Tiny Humans travel mug / Tall Suede Winter Boots
The School Nerd
Classic nerd is always a fun easy costume and any former 90's mama surely has a plaid skirt on hand and of course some chucks. Throw on your U of M tee add some tape to a pair of glasses and boom instant nerd who's totally head of the class!
Shop this style:
Plaid Skirt / University of Motherhood tee / Surf Shade Pretender Glasses / Mad Love Lennie sneakers
The Tired Mombie
We loved the trend last season of all the mini mombies and seeing moms join in the fun with the exaggerated tired mom looks made for a hilarious and relatable costume. Throw on our I BREED NON SLEEPERS tee or RAISING TINY HUMANS IS EXHAUSTING tee with your favorite sweats, slippers and shower cap for a tired and true easy costume. Hot tip you can also basically roll right into bed if you wear this one...WINNING!
Shop this style:
Jogger Vintage Wild Fable / Breed Non Sleepers Tee / Shower Turban / Xhilaration Khloe Faux Fur Scuff
I hope this helps you pick a Halloween costume you will love wearing to any event!
- USE CODE: TREAT for 20% off our Tanks & Tees collection ends 10/23/18 * Free domestic shipping over $40*
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