How to connect with mama friends

 When we become parents, we immediately realize this new world that will now become our new normal. I became involved and founded Irvine Moms because it is important to foster a community that is safe and supportive for parents in our Neighborhood.

While we are a resource with your latest intel of information. I wanted to be sure to create gatherings and play dates that Moms would feel comfortable and welcoming.

There is nothing more special than realizing you are not alone in how you feel.

The feeling of Sleep deprivation, to folding laundry, and learning your Baby’s routine having an outlet to stay sane and chat with another Mama who is going through something similar is a combination of intimate and respectful conversations.

Parenthood may feel isolating and challenging so having a circle of Parents who can help inspire ideas and support is what Irvine Moms is about.

Upon Meeting moms in real face to face I would often hear the same sentiment about how grateful they are to get out of the House and have conversations with other Grown Ups. When I was pregnant I lived in NYC and with no family on the Same Coast becoming involved in my local Moms Group was essential. I quickly learned how important it is to have a strong support team around you.

The other Moms who have older children, who will help share tips and advice.

The Mom who seems to have it together helps motivate you to do better for yourself.

The Moms who are walking on the same path as you and you know this special bond you have made is strong and long term. These are forged friendships that I appreciate and hold dear to my heart. I was always on the hunt to keep active and enjoy activities with my Baby. Having these play dates and fun excursions made it easier to coordinate with other Moms. Off we went to create new memories and bond over our new role in motherhood. 

When I came back West, I was excited to launch Irvine Moms

I hope it inspires Moms who meet on play dates or engage on instagram meet their best friends and Irvine Moms becomes a special part of their lives with their children.

Our goal is to get to the heart of local  recommendations, tips and latest happenings in  health, safety, nutrition, behavior, and more to give parents the give of time. 

While we understand that getting out the door sometimes can seem impossible as a Busy Mom. Take into account the health benefits making time for you and your girlfriends to connect.

    • Reduce Stress
    • Laughter
    • Share and exchange advise
    • Calming
    • Fun

With the digital world expanding it also makes it easier for you to meet Mom Friends

here are some Apps:

Hello Mamas

Hello Mamas matches you to other moms based on your profile. This app doesn’t just look at your location. It also looks at your interests, ages of your kids, and what kinds of activities you are interested in to help you find moms you will be happy to call friends.

Mom Life

The Mom Life app allows you to meet other moms for community, support, and just for fun. Mom Life encourages moms to get offline to form real friendships.


Peanut is a Tinder-like app for moms who want to meet one another. Swipe up if a mom looks like a potential friend. Swipe down if she’s not the type of mom friend you are looking for. It’s a great way to meet moms with similar interests and schedules. 

Irvine Moms provides Families the Gift of Time by helping inspire curated experiences in our Community.

Parents will find Resources to help navigate activities and a Monthly Calendar to plan and help save you time along with Blog Posts covering recipes, news in our Community and Celebrating Moms as we highlight a Mom & Dad in our Monthly Spotlight. We have curated over 25 Events and worked with Brands to help amplify Brand Awareness and Create Unique Experiences.

 Committed to Giving Moms the Gift of Time, The Local Moms Network was founded to deliver hyper-local resources and community connections to moms in suburbs across the country. Irvine Moms is powered by The Local Moms Network is 100% created for moms by moms and provides a user-friendly connection in local communities via online content features and comprehensive resources, social media engagement, community inclusive event monthly newsletters and time-saving guides.  

We look forward to making this Mom Tribe even that much tighter with Mom Culture on our Side!  

Instagram @irvinemoms

Irvine Moms | A Website by Irvine, CA Moms

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