In 2011, we were blessed with an amazing little boy. We found out, he was 5 months old, that we were expecting again! We were going to have 2 under 1! The crazy thing is that I was told, when I was 25, that it was unlikely I'd ever have children as I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). One morning, when I was 18 weeks pregnant with #2, I woke up not feeling well. I pushed the feeling aside and did all the mom things, at usual. Within a couple hours, I was bleeding profusely. My husband and parents rush to our apartment to take me to the ER. My dad stayed home with our #1. At the hospital they rush me into an ultrasound and we hear the baby's heartbeat! We were so happy. Our joy was short-lived when the doctor came in to say that the baby was already in the birth canal. I would have to deliver him. Malcolm Alexander was born October 4, 2011 at 2:15pm. He was 8 inches, 8 oz. Fast forward: 2 months. Guess what? We're expecting, again. This time we had only the best result- a beautiful teeny tiny baby girl. She came 4 weeks early but was a little fighter and only spent a week in the NICU. 2 years later, another little teeny tiny boy would complete our family. On days when I'm screaming my head off and having a hard day, I have to consciously stop and remember. They're the rainbow after the storm.
-Shanthi G.
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