Rediscovering You: Mom's Back-to-School Self-Care Routine

Ah, it's that time of the year again when we swap sunscreen for schoolbooks and endless snacks for lunchboxes. No more cries of "Mom, I'm bored!" every ten minutes or trying to coordinate swimming suits with beach towels. We're not trying to fast forward through the final sweet notes of summer - we're just bracing ourselves for the rollercoaster ride that is back-to-school season.

Here's the best part, though, mamas. While we're knee-deep in school supply lists and schedules, a glimmering silver lining emerges from the chaos. Our pint-sized humans and teens are returning to their teachers, meaning we mamas get to take back a tiny sliver of the day. It's time to dust off the 'me' time and build a self-care routine that caters to your needs.

Start the Day with You: There's a strange silence in the house, the kids have marched off to school, and you're alone with your thoughts and a piping hot cup of coffee if you remember to pour it. A real rarity! Use this time wisely to start your day with something that nourishes your mama soul. A jog around the block, a chapter of a book, a silent meditation, a podcast or perhaps a solo dance party in the kitchen - no judgment here! 

Rediscover a Hobby: Your kids have their list of school clubs, why not find your own? Paint that masterpiece, start that vegetable garden, or finally learn how to make sourdough. Find something that lights up your soul and lets your creativity flow.  Fun fact I learned to sew in my 30's and that "hobby" lead me here to mom culture.

Reconnect with Friends: It's not just your kids who need playdates. Reclaim your social life, one latte at a time. Meeting up with friends, sharing laughs, and having adult conversations that don't revolve around cartoons or fidget toys can work wonders for your mental health. 

Schedule a Date with Yourself: You're important. So, like any other important event, put yourself in your calendar. Whether it's a Netflix binge, a DIY spa night, or an uninterrupted nap, put it on your schedule and make it non-negotiable.

Practice Grace: Let's face it, we're not superheroes (even though we often feel like it). Ease into your new routine. There will be days when all you manage is to get the kids in the car with matching shoes. On those days, be gentle with yourself. A hot mess is still hot, remember?  I prefer to be a spicey disaster instead of a hot mess!

Self-Care isn’t Selfish: Taking care of you is not a luxury, it's a requirement. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. In the hustle of raising good humans, don't forget to tend to the awesome human that you are.  Schedule those routine doctor appointments and follow-ups too!

Back-to-school season is a time of new beginnings for both us and our little humans. As we navigate this transition, remember to carve out a little corner of the day for yourself. You're not just a mom, you're a woman with dreams, passions, and the right to drink a cup of coffee while it's actually still hot!

Embrace the back-to-school season. Yes, it's chaotic, but amidst the madness, it's our chance to step back into our own shoes. After all, a happy mom equals happy kids. As the saying goes, "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" So here's to us, the brave, the strong, the coffee-fueled kinda superheroes we are, stepping boldly into the back-to-school season while also reclaiming a bit of ourselves.

You're doing great, mama!

Written by Sarah Komers

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