Road Trip

The family road trip.  There’s nothing quite like it.  I love a good road trip. My family...not so much. The promise of not-so-healthy car snacks helps the kids come around to the idea.  My husband isn’t a huge fan of driving since he commutes over an hour to work every day.  But even he will admit that we see some pretty amazing sites and the time together is actually kinda fun. 

The deal has always been that I pack all the stuff needed for a family of 5 to leave the house for a week and he makes it all fit into the minivan. Oh and he usually does all the driving. Not because he thinks I’m a bad driver. Mostly it’s because he’s a bad passenger. You’ve never seen someone struggle so much to sit and do nothing for several hours. 

It doesn’t really matter where you go. Some people like big cities, others prefer the beach. I love nature. So, anywhere I can go with 2 lane roads and trees for miles is the place for me.  Being forced to be with your family for a few days away from all the daily stuff does wonders for everyone. There’s no household chores, errands, jobs, kid activities, and all the rest taking you away from your kids.  You will find your kids actually talking to each other and making up games to play. Of course, there will be some squabbling and grumpiness along the way (parents included).  It is a road trip after all. The funny thing is that a few weeks after the trip everyone will only remember the fun. No matter what went wrong, because something always does, hearing your kids talk about the trip will make it all worth it. 

I wonder where we will go next year?




Written by Gina Austin

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