What to read during pregnancy?

Julie Khaled
With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes birth books. Quiet time can be a hot commodity for us parents too, so before we turn our precious moments alone during nap time or a kid free trip out of the house over to a birth book it helps to know it's worth devoting time to. With that in mind, I'm sharing a few of my top picks as a Birth Doula for books to read during your pregnancy journey in preparation for your birth. These are books I've read myself and recommend all the time to the families I support as a Doula.

Mommy Burnout is a Real Thing!

Julie Khaled
“I’m so tired, I never get anything done, I’m so depressed, my head/back/neck/stomach hurts all the time, my kids are driving me crazy, my husband is no help, I feel like I am not doing a good enough job…ever. I’m just so… BURNED OUT.” Does this sound like you? If so, keep reading. We have […]

Why Should Kids Do Yoga?

Julie Khaled
From babies to big kids, yoga has so many amazing overall health benefits. Aside from getting the body up and moving, there are several other advantages to introducing yoga at a young age.  “Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of life and encourages self-awareness, mindful breathing, balance and coordination.” Yaiza Magdalena wrote […]


We just came off our daughter’s 11th birthday and now it’s onto our son’s 9th. These two are only two years and 8 days apart, so it’s needless to say that May is a busy month for us. Between all the year-end events at school, sports and celebrating our babies’ birthdays, it goes by in a blur…just like their childhood, it’s blazing past...