You're pregnant! what??

Julie Khaled

Congratulations! You're pregnant! Now what? You begin to Google “baby this” and “baby that” and start to feel overwhelmed by all the information. I know, its a lot. Have you considered hiring a doula to...

Pregnancy and Sleep

Julie Khaled

If a pregnant woman is ‘eating for two’ whenever she sits down for a meal, then it’s also true that she is ‘sleeping for two’ every time she goes to bed. Pregnancy can significantly reshape...

Protecting Our Kids in the Era of #MeToo

Julie Khaled

    Rarely does a week go by without headlines detailing allegations of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.  Data suggests that one in three women will experience sexual violence in her lifetime.     The...

Faux Leather & Fall Cardigans

Sarah Komers

  Last Thursday we finally made a big dream of mine a reality by hosting a #gatherthevillage event with the amazing The Village Magazine.  I promise to share all about it soon on the blog,...

This is: Postpartum

Julie Khaled

‘I had a panic attack before I posted it. My body has fat, it has rolls, it’s got stretch marks from before my pregnancy. But that doesn’t make it any less postpartum.’ I spent almost...

Mama, You ARE Enough

Julie Khaled

It's less about "what" than it is about "who". We're all doing the best we can, and at the end of the day, that's enough.       Breast or bottle. Co-sleeping or sleep-training. Some...