Motherhood Winging It With 3 Tiny Humans
Written by: Chelsea Webb
When I first sat down to write this post, I kept thinking about tips and tricks I could talk about. But, the truth is: there are NO tips and tricks to winging it as a parent. That's why it's called winging it!
Believe it or not I never wanted kids! Growing up I had so much responsibility being the oldest of six that in all honesty, I was tired.
I had already changed more diapers than I could count, rocked crying babies to sleep for hours at a time, helped them with their homework, made countless dinners, done more loads of laundry than I care to mention...and let's not even talk about the dishes!!!!
When babies are born, they should come with instruction manuals because each child is different. They have different personalities. Different likes and dislikes. They each learn and express themselves differently. You have to wing it each day. No two of your children will be the same. Even if you have twins!
I was very fortunate to have a very EASY first child. He barely cried. He slept well. He did great at nursing. He walked before he was one. Potty trained by two. He was amazing! Still is!! He's two grade levels above where he is supposed to be. Top of his class! A wonderful help to me around the house. You might even call him my co-parent. I have had it very easy with him.
On the other hand, I have had a much harder time with my second child. He is very stubborn. Refuses to potty train (he is 3). He is full of energy and very high maintenance. Talk about winging it... every day presents a new challenge with him. Most days are very difficult. I think the one thing I have learned through all of this is to not only have patience but to have the right mindset. Knowing that he is a harder child and that my days are going to be difficult help me to better prepare for the situations that I know will come up.
I wish I could say follow steps A, B & C and your days as a parent will be bliss, but I can't. What I can do, is encourage you to surround yourself with other mothers going through the same thing you are and hopefully, you can share with each other and uplift and encourage each other because let's be honest, none of us know what the hell we are doing. When it comes down to it we do the best we can every day and we wake up hoping to be better than the day before.
Ultimately, I want to say how grateful I am that God had other plans for me. I would have never known all the love and blessings I would have missed out on as a parent. The cuddles, unconditional love, and amazing memories generously outweigh any challenges that have come my way!
Chelsea is originally from SoCal but currently lives just outside of Las Vegas with her husband and their 3 tiny humans. She recently started a fashion and lifestyle blog and you can follow her journey on Instagram.
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