Raising Gentlemen

Julie Khaled
“They are mad at me every day for having them clean, have a bedtime, pick up their messes, get their chores done before video games, pick up their plates, pick up their laundry, shower and help around the apartment. They can call me mean & strict all day long. It’s the most exhausting battle […]

Confessions of the Anxious Mama

Julie Khaled
I’ve poured my heart and soul into this brand. Every shirt is made with intention and meaning behind it, based on my own motherhood journey or those around me. Seeing these amazing women wear and share their stories, struggles and shenanigans with our products IS what keeps me trucking on through my own emotional and […]

Potty Training

Julie Khaled
Since June is Potty Training Awareness month, we have decided to compile a list of tips and tricks. When is the right time to start with potty training? Pull-Ups posted an article with 6 signs your toddler is ready to start potty training. Take a look: This article we found on Pinterest has 15 genius […]

Why Should Kids Do Yoga?

Julie Khaled
From babies to big kids, yoga has so many amazing overall health benefits. Aside from getting the body up and moving, there are several other advantages to introducing yoga at a young age.  “Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of life and encourages self-awareness, mindful breathing, balance and coordination.” Yaiza Magdalena wrote […]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Julie Khaled
I came across this amazing post the other day on Babble. It is written so beautifully and be sure to have a tissue ready…reading this Mama’s story made me cry! Original post written by Heather Duckworth, of Love, Faith and Chaos. The other night I was scrubbing up some slime that my daughter had let ooze […]

Postpartum body love

From the first time mom to the seasoned veteran the postpartum body has seen it all.  I feel women have finally come out of the shadows of hiding their postpartum bodies and fancy mesh panties to finally shining a light on the journeys these amazing bodies have been through with a newfound confidence. I still […]