Written by: Gina A.
My husband and I rarely go out on dates. I know that for a lot of couples, date night is critical to their relationship. It's a time to reconnect with each other and catch up on all the things. We go on walks. Every Saturday and Sunday morning we head out bright and early and walk for about an hour. We are lucky that we have a 12 year old who can watch over the younger 2 kiddos while we are out. When they were babies we took them with us. There was a time when we had a double stroller and a single stroller to take all 3 with us.
This is the time we get to discuss the previous week and prepare for the next week. My husband vents about his job, which I rarely understand, but it helps him deal with all the stress. I get him caught up on the kids school, grades, drama, upcoming events, and emotional struggles. We rarely run out of things to talk about. It helps us understand what each other goes through each week. It makes us better parents and a better couple.
If you are able to go on a date with your spouse, it's absolutely worth it! But if you can't get out often...or ever, take a walk. You can take the kids with you if they are too young to stay home. If they are too old for a stroller but too young to leave alone, you can head to a park and let the kids play at the playground while you and your spouse walk circles around it. You might be surprised how far you walk and how much better you feel when you're done. What are some alternative ways you and your spouse spend "date night"?
Gina is a wife and mama to 3 tiny humans. Her and her family live in sunny SoCal. They enjoy hiking and being in the great outdoors together. To read more from Gina, click here.