Now that the kids are back in school, it's time to talk about protecting your house from an excess of germs!
What are some preventative ways to fight off the common cold?
1. Wash hands
When they walk in the front door after school. Before dinner. And obviously, after using the restroom.
2. Use disinfectant wipes on all surfaces. Read our blog here about how to make your own cleaning wipes, chemical-free! Surfaces to wipe down: toys, electronics (computer, phone, iPad), kitchen, door handles, counter tops. Help them become aware of germs. Assign each child an area to clean everyday.
3. Sleep
Getting the proper amount of rest each night is SO important to help strengthen immune systems. Make sure you're getting enough sleep too, mama!
4. Essential Oils
The best oils to blend for immunity boosting are: lavender, melaleuca/tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, and rosemary.
If they do end up catching a cold, our favorite throat soother is Lolleez. They are all organic, dairy-free, and gluten-free!
We found a couple other great suggestions for natural healing on Pinterest. See them here.
Something else that goes into the realm of total health is protection against head lice. Our favorite preventative methods for head lice are:
-Melaleuca (Tea tree oil)
-Fairy Tales spray and hair gel
Do you have any other tried and true methods of staying healthy during the school year? Share with us!
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