This is: Postpartum

Julie Khaled

‘I had a panic attack before I posted it. My body has fat, it has rolls, it’s got stretch marks from before my pregnancy. But that doesn’t make it any less postpartum.’ I spent almost...

Mama, You ARE Enough

Julie Khaled

It's less about "what" than it is about "who". We're all doing the best we can, and at the end of the day, that's enough.       Breast or bottle. Co-sleeping or sleep-training. Some...

Rainbow Ember

Julie Khaled

    Tonight I want to talk about miscarriage. It’s a tough topic, but I feel like I need to talk about it tonight. I had one. One in four women will or have had...

Rainbow Malcolm

Julie Khaled

In 2011, we were blessed with an amazing little boy. We found out, he was 5 months old, that we were expecting again! We were going to have 2 under 1! The crazy thing is...

Rainbow Raylynn

Julie Khaled

After having my son, I didn’t want another child for a few years, so I got an IUD. About a week after my son turned 1 I had what I thought was a period. I...

On October 3rd, I wear my trauma

Julie Khaled

I remember the weather that day, it was warm and overcast and drizzling. The sky was a muddy shade of gray from the time the sun came up. My stomach felt hollow and I had...