4 Quick Tips to Create a Habit of a Healthy Lifestyle

To all those Mama’s out there who realize since they’ve been pregnant, the first thing to push lower on your priority list is yourself, I encourage you to keep reading. My friend Bethany is an inspiration to all women. Not only is she a running coach, but also a mother of FOUR! She has an amazing blog with some healthy recipes and workouts to do at home – even with your kiddos!

In her blog post Quick Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle she outlines a few great tips that everyone can relate to. As basic as “set your alarm”. Something as simple as this makes a HUGE difference. Scheduling time for yourself is so important as a mom. It’s so much easier to get caught up in the motions of taking care of everyone else and putting yourself on the backburner. But trust me, you won’t regret it!!


She also has a Mommy + Me Workout that is an excellent option for stay-at-home Mama’s.


A yummy recipe to try for dinner (and it’s paleo-friendly!) is the Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla-less Soup

Follow Bethany on Instagram for more health advice: @be.fit.davis





Written by Julie Khaled

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