Double Rainbow

Julie Khaled

The road to motherhood can be far different from the one you envision; mine is that way, it is one filled with beautiful rainbows. In my 20’s the thought of a positive pregnancy test scared...

Rainbow Eden

Julie Khaled

Feb 6th that morning, I woke up late for me which was 8am.  A Thursday, the day I am usually off, the feeling of being wet woke me only to find myself in a pool...

Rainbow Lila

Julie Khaled

Hi, my name is Dana. My husband and I decided to try for a 3rd baby when our then youngest was 2. Since it had taken 3 years to get pregnant with her, we knew...

Rainbow after the storm

Julie Khaled

When we decided that we wanted to have a third baby everything lined up. We made it at the age gap that we wanted and I got pregnant very quickly. I was excited of course...

Rainbow Jackson

Julie Khaled

My name is Kim Harris and my baby’s name is Jackson. I’m a mom of a three-year-old and a baby with special needs, and this is my story. I found your website after a phenomenally...

The Best Mother's Day Gift

Julie Khaled

We tried to get pregnant for 7 months. Finally, the week before Halloween we got a positive. That put us with a due date of July 11th. We were over the moon. At 12 weeks...