Rainbow Adoree

Julie Khaled

Adoree was only in my belly for 12 weeks and 5 days before I lost him. Just 7 days before that horrible day, I had what I didn't know would be my last ultrasound with...

The Worst Loss I have Ever Experienced

Julie Khaled

  I am twenty-nine years old. My parents divorced when I was five. I have lost eight grandparents total (four biological grandparents and four step-grandparents). When I was in my senior year of college, one...

It's all about timing

Julie Khaled

  The moment I decided I wanted kids I knew I wanted my first child by 24. I would assumably be done with college, be married and have a job. Perfect right? Well I got...

Military Wife Life

Julie Khaled

Currently sitting in my car waiting for Target to open while drinking my coffee and writing this blog post. I had to take our dog Chloe to the vet this morning for her teeth to...

3 Fall Decor Ideas

Julie Khaled

The first day of Fall is tomorrow! (Sept. 22). What are you going to do to decorate? There is just something about adding a few decorations around the house to make it feel like Fall....