Simple Summer Bucket List

Sarah Komers

Summer is coming....and that means it's about time to prepare the bulk snacks and stock up on the sunscreen. We only get a handful of summers with our little ones so let's make the best...

Blank Shores

Julie Khaled

We’d like to share with you all a new short film project by writer/director Alex Kyrou and producer Clare Shields. BLANK SHORES is a science fiction short film which explores baby loss and the mental...

Tough pregnancy

Julie Khaled

I’ve literally started this blog post about 10 times already and haven’t been able to remotely finish it, or even put into words how I’m feeling. I knew that today would be rough, and I...

What are the odds?

Julie Khaled

At age 16 I was diagnosed with PCOS. My GYN informed me that because of the diagnosis and my weight I had a 10% chance of ever conceiving. At that moment I didn't care. I...

Rainbow Malcolm

Julie Khaled

In 2011, we were blessed with an amazing little boy. We found out, he was 5 months old, that we were expecting again! We were going to have 2 under 1! The crazy thing is...

Rainbow Raylynn

Julie Khaled

After having my son, I didn’t want another child for a few years, so I got an IUD. About a week after my son turned 1 I had what I thought was a period. I...