Fight the back to school cold

Julie Khaled

Now that the kids are back in school, it's time to talk about protecting your house from an excess of germs!  What are some preventative ways to fight off the common cold?  1. Wash hands...

Once Upon a Farm: DIY Recipes

Julie Khaled

 Most of you know we love Once Upon a Farm cold-pressed pouches because of their natural goodness. But, here's one more reason to love the brand: they are sharing some of their secret family recipes!! ...

Getting There

Julie Khaled

Today's blog post is a guest feature from Saralyn of The Duke Project. Growing up in a similar background of thriving off of praise and accomplishments, Saralyn couldn't have explained the struggle of perfectionism any...

3 Back to School Organization Tips

Julie Khaled

The kids are back to school, but the house is a mess and everyone is trying to get into a realistic routine. Where to start?? Fear no more, mama. We are here to help!  ...

DIY Cleaning Wipes

Julie Khaled 1 comment

Justine from The Typical Mom blog has a great post about homemade disinfectant wipes (instead of using Clorox or Lysol wipes) to clean household surfaces. Not only are these safer for the family and pets,...

Mezcal vs. Tequila: What's the Difference?

Julie Khaled

  From coast to coast, people are getting excited about mezcal, the smokier alternative to tequila. Enjoyed by itself or mixed into a cocktail, this agave-based alcohol has become extremely popular in the past few...