Back to School!

Julie Khaled

Back to school....what exactly does that mean? That means: stricter bedtimes, meal prepping, doing your makeup in the carpool line, last-minute Target runs to pick up more supplies for a project. The list of daily...

4 Must-Read Books for Growing Girls

Julie Khaled

 Being a girl is difficult. And what makes it easier is having resources. Resources can be a friend to talk to, a song to sing along to that you relate to, or even reading a...

Self-Care For All Mamas

Julie Khaled

Today's blog has been submitted by the lovely Emily of @chasingmcallisters about how with even the busiest of schedules and "momming" there is still a way to practice self-care! If you're interested, keep on reading!...

International Left Hander's Day

Julie Khaled

For all my fellow lefties, you can celebrate because today is a national holiday! (woo hoo!) For all right-handed people out there--you probably had no idea! That's ok. I am here to shed some light...

Same You, New Mood!

Julie Khaled

Last week Sarah bought tickets to our local movie theater to see Made for More and "Go watch this inspirational woman!" as a team building outing. I like motivation. So we made a night out...

Own Your Motherhood: Single Parent

Julie Khaled

Today's blog post has been submitted by one of our lovely mamas who honestly expresses how hard parenthood is...especially all by yourself. She was forced to tackle pregnancy, labor, and parenting all alone. But you...