Hi, I’m Calvine G. Castro and I am a Licensed Acupuncturist. I have been in practicing acupuncture for 16 years. I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from UC Riverside and a Masters in Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. I am a second generation acupuncturist with my mother being both an acupuncturist and medical doctor.
Growing up at a young age I was able to see how impactful acupuncture can be to patients suffering from many different types of ailments. Time and time again, my mother’s patients would hobble in suffering from back pain and needles were placed at locations on the patients body and within a short time patients left the clinic feeling better and walking upright. I realized without medications I could help many people with the use of acupuncture needles as my tool.
I came across Mom Culture through my wife, Tina. After we had our three year old son, my wife was looking for products that she could relate to in regards to motherhood and she found Mom Culture. She loved the shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs that Mom Culture offered. She even loved it more when she found out that Mom Culture had a Facebook community where all the moms can share their experiences as moms. In other words my wife is a big fan of Mom Culture.
When I first met my wife, she didn’t believe in acupuncture but I was able to treat her for her monthly abdominal cramps and opened her mind that acupuncture is another way to relieve her of her pain instead of constantly taking pain relievers. When my wife was pregnant with our first son she experienced excessive vomiting, cramping of her legs in the morning, fatigue and headaches. I treated her with acupuncture and was able to help her with her symptoms.
Knowing how I am able to help my wife and many of my patients with their symptoms I wanted to reach out to the Mom Culture community to let everyone know that acupuncture is another option for all your health conditions and symptoms. I have treated women with anxiety, stress, tension headaches, muscular skeletal disorders such as back pain, neck pain, knee pain and upper shoulder/neck tension.
Acupuncture is also good for preparing women to get pregnant. It helps regulate the mensuration cycle, short cycle, long cycle, heavy bleeding, scant bleeding to create an environment more favorable to getting pregnant.
The following are some of the conditions that I’ve treated my wife and patients with acupuncture:
1st Trimester pregnancy symptoms- Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, constipation, headaches, insomnia, anxiety.
2nd Trimester pregnancy symptoms- Mental clarity, start of back pain, sciatica and hypertension.
3rd Trimester pregnancy symptoms- Circulation, swelling feet and legs, back pain, sciatica, insomnia, cramping in legs, discomfort, restlessness, and anxiety associated with preparing for childbirth.
Post pregnancy- postpartum depression, difficulty breastfeeding obstruction and pain, regulation of hormones, and balance.
Middle age women- Menopausal symptoms- hot flashes, night sweats, arthritis.
Those conditions that I’ve mentioned are just some of the many conditions that I’ve helped my patients with and I’d like to let everyone know the benefits of acupuncture especially for women. There are many acupuncturists all over the country and if you find one local to you, that would be a great tool to help you. I have clinic locations in Temecula and Menifee here in California.
If anyone local would like to try acupuncture my website is www.castroacupuncture.com
I hope I will be able to offer my services and give you relief.
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